NEWS: 3 Technology End-of-Service Myths

January 26, 2023

To guarantee maximum security, all software and hardware must be kept up to date. If you don’t, cybercriminals can quickly access your network, increasing the risk of downtime substantially. However, many organizations are unaware that outdated software/hardware might be one of the most significant security concerns impeding their performance.


If your company is among those that continues to use unsupported software and hardware until it practically stops working, keep in mind that it might be a significant impediment to your organization’s everyday operations and reputation.

Debunking the myths


Without further ado, let’s debunk the most popular myths.


Myth #1: If it’s not broken, don’t fix (or replace) it

Although the phrase “if it ain’t broke, don’t repair it” is common, it is not advisable to apply it to software and hardware. The reality is that failing to upgrade your software and hardware when necessary exposes your network to security vulnerabilities, malfunctions, and other problems.


There are several reasons why you should maintain your software and hardware up to date. Newer software and hardware versions are often more stable, with fewer crashes and problems. Furthermore, new updates are typically accompanied by security fixes that keep you secure from threats. Finally, upgrades may contain new features and improvements that will make your life simpler.

Myth #2: End of Life means the product will no longer exist

Although the product will remain available, the developer will no longer provide security updates, new features, or technical support. As a result, it will become more open to security threats and may be unable to keep up with your workload.


It also suggests that your IT staff will have a more difficult time keeping your IT network and devices secure from cyberthreats. If you’re using gear or software that has reached the end of its useful life, you should think about upgrading to a newer model or purchasing a new software license.


Myth #3: End of Service means I can still use the product until it breaks

While the software or hardware may still function physically, being in an End-of-Life and End-of-Service condition implies there is no longer a team of people working to not just enhance the product but also to maintain, communicate, build, and issue updates if a new security vulnerability arises.

This might make you vulnerable to assaults and prevent you from using newly released features and capabilities. Knowing the End-of-Service dates for your software and devices can help you plan ahead and avoid being caught off guard when support expires.


Join hands for success


It’s definitely your top priority to maintain your software/hardware up to date in order to avoid unintended effects for your business. However, attempting to do it alone might be overwhelming. This is when an IT service company might come in handy.


We can assist you by providing critical insight and experience to help you determine what measures to take to keep your IT systems working efficiently and safely. If you’d like to learn more, please contact us for a consultation.